Should we Change our Diet with Changing Seasons?

When the weather or the climate changes, it triggers changes in our body too. That is why Ayurveda tries to bridge that gap through Ritucharya or seasonal routine that helps us stay healthy even in changing weather. Ayurveda believes that there is a direct influence that the external atmosphere has on our internal atmosphere (health). Our Prakriti is what determines our body constitution and nature. A change in temperature or change in the humidity in the air has an impact on our Prakriti or...


A perspective on Skin Types - Western vs Ayurvedic

If you have ever gone to a dermatologist for some skin trouble or read up on some articles on the web, then you may have come across these three words more or less on every forum: Dry, Combination and Oily. Yes, these are the three skin types as per western medicine, and it deals with dermatological issues based on the 'type' of the skin. If the skin is too dry, then it is hydrated using moisturisers. If it is oily, then it is mattified using gels, and if the skin is combination, then a combin...


Take this Quiz to know your Ayurvedic Skin Type

Dry, Oily and Combination are what skin looks or feels like. But that doesn't really help you sort out the issues related to the skin. Ayurveda has a much better way of differentiating the different types of skin, which is on the basis of the prevalent dosha in the body. The skin more or less will be a reflection of the dosha that's dominant or aggravated in the body- and calming that or working the routine around it is what can help make the skin healthy and glowing. So how does one know what ...