What Triggers Diseases in Ayurveda?

Have you ever wondered why we fall sick? What triggers ailments and other major diseases in our body? In our previous articles, we studied about the Doshas in our body – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. We enlightened you about the destruction that can be caused when these doshas are imbalanced. We also told you how different seasons effects the doshas, and in turn, the body and mind. But according to Ayurveda, the basic reason behind any sort of imbalance in our system is because we are not in harm...


Disease Management In Ayurveda

In our previous post, we spoke about what triggers diseases and ailments in Ayurveda and how one can keep their body and mind healthy by following the right lifestyle, diet and the signals that the body gives out when it feels weak. Like they say prevention is better than cure. Hence, managing your body and mind appropriately and at the right time can help keep diseases at bay. This is termed as disease management according to Ayurveda. Ayurveda says that there are 4 main treatments - Shodan, S...


What Is Diabetes In Ayurveda?

In today’s world, we live a very mechanical lifestyle. Our lives are basically controlled by technology which makes us inactive and lethargic. To compliment the sedentary lifestyle that we lead, we also follow a diet which comprises of packaged food, fast food and drinks that worsen are system. In our previous post, we spoke about what triggers diseases in Ayurveda. We gave you examples showing how we create an imbalance in our body ourselves that give rise to various ailments and disease...