Take this Quiz to know your Hair Type

Yes, just like the skin, hair is also dependant on the dosha that's predominant in an individual. Hair is a reflection of the dosha of an individual and hair troubles hint at some sort of an imbalance in the dosha somewhere. So, do you know what your Ayurvedic hair type is? Take this quick quiz to find out! Grab a pen and paper and note down the number of a's, b's and c's you get! Let's begin! 1. The volume of your hair is... a. Frizzy b. Thin c. Thick 2. The texture of your hair is...


Vata Hair: Type, Issues and Tips

If this quiz on hair type concluded that you have a Vata hair type, then reading this article can really help you in getting to know your hair better, which will mean you'll be able to take care of it better! So what's the Vata hair type like? The main element of Vata dosha is air, and air can be dry or drying. That is the reason why Vata hair typ is primarily dry and lusterless. The hair is dark to look at, but still looks dry. The texture of the hair is thin, coarse, frizzy, a...


Pitta Hair: Type, Issues and Tips

If this quiz on hair types concluded that you have a Pitta hair type, then reading this article can really help you in getting to know your hair better, which will mean you'll be able to take care of it better! So what's the Pitta hair like? The main element of Pitta dosha is fire, this type of hair is light in colour. Shades of red, orange, brown or blonde denote the prevalence of Pitta dosha. This type of hair is oily, silky and straight, but is prone to premature balding or g...