Raw Food vs Cooked Food

There is a lot of misconception when it comes to this, especially involving Ayurveda. A lot of people believe that Ayurveda preaches that raw food is better than cooked food, and the more we eat, the better it is for our health. But that isn't true. Ayurveda does recommend raw food, but not as a long-term diet. Ayurveda promotes eating raw food, but only for short-term detoxification. That is because raw food is harder to digest for the body as compared to cooked food, which is already b...


25 Ayurvedic Principles for Eating Right

Now that we clearly understand some eating mistakes that we could be committing as well as Ayurveda's recommendations for eating right, let's have a look at the Ayurvedic principles for eating right: Eat only when you're hungry. Avoid eating before Sunrise or after Sunset. Consume your heaviest meal when the Sun is at its peak - lunch. Never eat while you're facing South. East should be preferred. Wash your face, hands and legs before a meal. Make sure the utens...


The Importance of Fresh Food as per Ayurveda

In our previous posts also, you would have seen one thing being mentioned time and again - that Ayurveda recommends fresh food. But what is this fresh food really? What is fresh for one person could be stale for another. For example, for a person living on the seaside, the day's catch of fish maybe fresh. But for those who are in the mainland, even eating a dish made of frozen fish might be considered as fresh - as long as the fish does not stink. So yes, what is fresh for A may not be fres...