Explaining Vasanta Ritu as per Ayurveda

In our previous post, we discussed Hemanta and Shishir Ritus as per Ayurveda. Now, let’s talk about Vasanta Ritu. Vasanta Ritu is the season that brings a feeling of joy and liveliness to our minds. The smell of flowers blooming, and cool breeze… yes we are talking about the Spring season. Ideal season for detoxification and cleansing of the skin and the body, Vasantha Ritu falls in the month of March (Chaitram) and goes on till May (Vaisha...


Explaining Greeshma Ritu as per Ayurveda

Like we explained, the cold and wet Winters are followed by the refreshing Vasanta Ritu. But after this come the hot and sultry days of Greeshma Ritu or the Summer season. Greeshma Ritu occurs during the Aadaan Kaal, where the Sun sucks out the energy from one’s body. As we already know, our body is made up of three principal energies or Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Pitta reflects the characteristics of the Fire Element and hence Summer or Greeshma is also known as the Pitta sea...


Explaining Varsha Ritu as per Ayurveda

Rain or Monsoon triggers different feelings in different people. Some think of the freshness in the air, the cool winds, the wet damp smell of the earth and a weather that is perfect for a hot cup of tea with dollops of romance! But for others, it is a weather that brings in dark clouds, depression, floods and diseases. Let's understand how Ayurveda perceives Monsoon or the Varsha Ritu. According to Ayurveda, Varsha Ritu falls in the Visarga Kaal (Southern Solstice) in the month of Shravan and ...