Kapha Hair: Type, Issues and Tips

If this quiz on hair types concluded that you have a Kapha hair type, then reading this article can really help you in getting to know your hair better, which will mean you'll be able to take care of it better! • So what's the Kapha hair like? Kapha people are generally heavy and need more exercise than people belonging to the other dosha types if they want to stay in shape. Hair is one category where they beat the others hands down. They have the hair that you see in shampoo comme...


Dosha Combinations & Tridoshic Hair

If the quiz on Hair types mentioned here gave you a combination of doshas as the answer, then you might be dealing with two or more aggravated doshas which might be causing all the trouble for your hair. We've explained about Vata, Pitta and Kapha hair already, now let's deal with the most troublesome categories of hair as per Ayurveda, which sees the best and the worst of more than one of the doshas. Vata-Pitta Hair This is probably the worst kind of hair to have, which leads to premat...


What is the Ayurvedic Dosha Energy Clock?

While some of us are most productive during dawn, there are many who just cannot wake up at that time! Even if they do wake up, they don't register anything for a few hours! While some of us can stay up all night without any trouble, there are others who just cannot keep their eyes open post 10 PM! So why does that happen? Why do we all feel energetic and dull at different times of the day? Why do some of us work well in the morning, while some others are most productive during night time? Mos...