Gestational Diabetes!

We spoke about the two common type of diabetes in our previous articles, but today we are going to talk about Gestational diabetes which occurs in women during the second trimester of pregnancy. According to statistics, about 4% of all pregnant women suffer from Gestational Diabetes, but unlike the other types, Gestational Diabetes disappears after the birth of the baby. However, the disappearance does not mean that she is clear of the threat. A pregnant woman who suffers from Gestational Diabe...


Medicinal Herb – Amalaki

Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicine that is prevalent in India. It is entirely based on the power of nature and the natural herbs it provides to mankind. As we already know, the sages and “rishis” believed that Ayurveda and its herbs have the power to cure any disease. Today, we discuss the most important herbs of Ayurveda that help you stay healthy. Medicines prepared from herbs not only cure diseases from the root but also have absolutely no side effects. They possess ...


Medicinal Herb – Bibhitaki

Bibhitaki, also known as Baheda in Hindi, is derived from the Sanskrit term Vibheetaki, which means lack of fear. Bibhitaki is known as the fruit that makes one “Fearless” from all diseases. It is grown on large deciduous trees and has flowers which are greenish yellow with a pungent and unpleasant odour. The Ayurvedic properties of Bibhitaki are Kashaya (astringent), Rukshas and laghu (dry and light), Madhura (sweetness) and ushna (heat). These properties make Bibhitaki ideal for p...