The Vata Dosha Clock

Ayurveda states that we need to keep the daily rhythms of our body as per the natural clockto live a balanced life and enjoy good health. So now, that we have told you what the Dosha clock actually is, let's focus on the specific Doshas one by one. First up is the Vata Dosha clock! Vata is synonymous with light and airy- with air being the dominant element of the Dosha. As we know, Vata is the least stable of all the three energieswhich is why it is difficult to establish a routine when it come...


The Pitta Dosha Clock

To live a balanced life and enjoy good health, we need to keep the daily rhythms of the body as per the natural clock – this is what Ayurveda believes! So now, that we have told you what the Dosha clock actually is and have also run you through the details of the Vata Dosha clock, let's focus on the next Dosha, which is the Pitta Dosha! Pitta Dosha is the most volatile of all the three Doshas. It is also what governs a lot of functions in our body such as digestion. You can read all about...


The Kapha Dosha Clock

As per Ayurveda, to live a balanced life and enjoy good health, we need to keep the daily rhythms of the body as per the natural clock. So now that we have told you all about the Dosha clock and the Vata and Pitta Dosha clock in specific, let's focus on the third and the last Dosha, which is the Kapha Dosha! Kapha Dosha is the most sluggish, yet relaxed, of all the three Doshas. It is also the most stable- which means that the mind and body are relaxed during Kapha time. Our deepest habits are ...