Ayurveda Explains More about the Kapha Body Type!

In our previous posts, we talked about the Vata and the Pitta body types. But to complete our understanding of the three Energies that control our body, mind, and soul, and in fact, the entire universe… we need to understand yet another body type – the Kapha body type. The Kapha body types are known for their calm and composed demeanor with bouts of earthly characteristics, which make them attractive and approachable. They are considered to be the friendliest of all and are very ea...


Ayurveda Explains More about the Tridoshic Body Type!

By now we have clearly understood how the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and their respective body types are unique in their own ways. We also spoke about the fact that the three other body types – Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha and Vata-Kapha exhibit the traits and characteristics of both their respective predominant Doshas. And that brings us to the last body type or Prakriti – the Vata-Pitta-Kapha constitution or the Tridoshic body type. How is it different from the others? ...


When the Vata Body Type is in Balance!

In our previous posts, we spoke about the different body types and their distinct features, and how they are all unique in their own ways with specific advantages and disadvantages. Now that we have understood the seven different body types as per Ayurveda and their characteristics, let’s see what happens when they are in balance vis-à-vis when they go out of balance. Let’s start with the Vata body type and find out how their mind and body works and reacts when in a state of ...