Explaining the Ayurvedic Ritucharya or Seasonal Routine in Detail! – Part 1.

In our previous post, we touched upon the Ayurvedic Ritucharya or Seasonal Routine, and explained how Ayurveda divides a year into two Kaals, which are sub-divided into three seasons each. We also spoke about the fact that it is important for us to balance our lives in every season to stay healthy. Now let us take an in-depth look into each season, dietary and lifestyle recommendations for every season, and dos and don’ts. But before that, let’s quickly try and understand how our Do...


Explaining the Ayurvedic Ritucharya or Seasonal Routine in Detail! – Part 2.

In our previous post, we explained in detail the Ayurvedic Ritucharya or Seasonal Routine for early winter, winter and spring seasons. Now let’s cast an eye on the remaining three seasons – summer, rainy season and autumn – which are part of the Aadaan Kaal or Northern Solstice. First up, let’s talk about the summer season or Greeshma Ritu: Once the spring season comes to an end, the Kapha that had melted in the body begins to flow out. The increasing summer heat...


Understanding the three Ayurvedic Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha!

In our previous posts, we spoke about the correlation between the three Ayurvedic Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and the Five Elements – Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space, that all living beings are made up of. Just a quick recap before we proceed with a detailed discussion on the three Doshas: · Vata is the combination of Air and Space, · Pitta is Fire, · And Kapha is the combination of Earth and Water. Now let’s discuss the...