DIAMOND DIRECTOR 37 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH - MAY 2021 July 2021, Voice Issue 35 My advice to those looking to go far within Vestige is to duplicate the system in place religiously. The success plan is the blueprint one needs to follow as it has all the answers to your questions. I have received a lot of support from the company and I am thankful to the management for their encouragement. I believe that Vestige’s business plan is the best in the direct selling industry. All my achievements have come forth because I have duplicated this plan religiously. My advice to my fellow distributors is to follow the plan and you too will surely begin moving on your way to success. HANIFBHAI.YUSUFBH JUNANI I would like to thank my upline and my downlines for their unwavering and unconditional support. Without them, I wouldn't be in this respected position. They have always been cheering from the sidelines and I am very grateful that I am surrounded by such amazing people. Thank you for everything, Vestige! ARPITA HIREN PRAJAPATI SONALBEN DINESHBH DHOLARIYA