DIAMOND DIRECTOR 36 NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH - MAY 2021 Voice Issue 35, July 2021 At this time, I am happy to say that I have achieved so much and I look forward to doing much more in this company. This success was made possible due to my team and I vow to help them all achieve this same level of success. I am sure that there are much better things awaiting me in this company. I was from a family of farmers and a completely ordinary person, but I have now been transformed into someone extraordinary. Vestige was the catalyst for this amazing change in me. I am a successful person now with a team of amazingly talented individuals. Their support has been invaluable throughout this journey. I learned about Vestige through my upline as I met them when they were just at the start of their Vestige journey. I was amazed by the success plan, which is why I eventually decided to join as an independent distributor. The level of success I have achieved makes me believe I made the best decision for myself. I offer my sincere thanks to the management at Vestige, to my downlines and, most of all, to my mentor, who showed me the way at one of the lowest points in my life. All of you have contributed to my success story and helped my journey go by smoothly. Wish You Wellth! I became a distributor out of curiosity and I am now proud to call myself a successful entrepreneur. This company has given me the tools to run my own business and I thank the management for this amazing system. I also thank my lovely team members for always supporting me. Vestige is one of the few companies which gives people like me a chance to be successful myself, but also to help other people be successful. My team has always supported and encouraged me, right from day one. I now aim to help these amazing people achieve their own goals and dreams. My upline, downlines and my team have all contributed to my success and I am very grateful to them for offering me support and encouragement. Thanks to the management for always being ready to extend a helping hand. This is a platform that has the power to change lives. Economic independence is very important in life and more so in these tough times. Vestige has helped me fulfil my dream of becoming financially independent and this has helped me be more secure of my place in life. I am now relaxed and can pursue my passions while helping other people along the way. This is truly an amazing platform. I give kudos to the Vestige management for coming up with this great system and for giving people like me an opportunity like this. I was sure that my big dreams were never going to come true, but my upline came through and changed my life completely. I am very proud to be a part of the Vestige family. My life has changed completely ever since I joined Vestige as an independent distributor. My financial struggles are a thing of the past - I can provide for myself and my loved ones. Vestige has helped me lead a comfortable life and become a respectable member of the society. I am very thankful for this platform. Vestige is one of the few places where people from all backgrounds can come and achieve success. The only thing that your success depends on is your own determination and how hard you are willing to work. Vestige showed me that it is possible for me to be successful and I am very grateful. The way I learned about Vestige and became inspired to make a huge change in my life, this is all thanks to my talented upline. Their success story made me realise that failures were simply a part of life and that good things awaited me if I pushed past that. I thank my upline for always believing in me and helping me reach here. MITHILESH KUMAR RAI BABITA SEIBORLANG DIENGDOH LALNGAIHDAMI SARMISTHA NAYAK RISHEE KUMAR GUPTA KAVITA KIRAN SUNIL KUMAR SINGHA APPALANAIDU GANTA KAVITA RANI KRISHAN KUMAR MAURYA PARMINDER SINGH P.C ZOHMINGLIANI SHAIKH IMRAN UBED More than the level of success I have reached with Vestige today, I am grateful to the faith and confidence that has been instilled in me. I never believed in myself, but Vestige has taught me otherwise. Today, I am this proud and successful person because of my own hard work and determination. I thank Vestige for everything. Never would I have dreamt of attaining this level of success in my life, but here I am. My success is a combination of hard work, the unwavering support of my team and my luck at having found the perfect platform in Vestige. I am very thankful to God for guiding me towards this path.