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Transforming the lives of people through wellness

our company

  • opportunities

    The starting point for every journey is knowledge, if you have the knowledge about the path on which you have to travel, then the journey is going to be easier and more successful. We at Vestige would emphasize that when you have registered yourself as a Vestige Distributor, please read the Marketing Plan and understand the opportunity which lies in front of you to fulfill your dreams.

    Vestige Marketing Plan has been designed to be an equal business opportunity for all those who get associated with Vestige. The Marketing Plan ensures that you earn in proportion to the efforts you put in and provides benefits such as leadership bonuses and pool income. These incomes are further enhanced by combining the downline’s performances so that it is always beneficial to create more leaders in your group. As the downline becomes successful, you become even more successful.

    marketing plan

    Vestige offers very rewarding bonuses for the efforts put into the business. The Vestige Marketing Plan is a cumulative plan where you never drop from the level of achievement and keep on achieving higher levels, i.e to say that your earlier efforts and achievements are always counted in your bonus calculations.

    steps to


    • Be a regular user of products
    • Earn by sharing the products
    • Enrich by sharing the business
    • Enrich yourself by enriching others

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