Assure Pro Tip - Hair Care_Monsoon Hair Care

MONSOON HAIR CARE myvestige Search for The seasons can a ect your hair which makes it important to adapt your routine to accommodate the changes. Update your hair care routine for the monsoon with these tips.

E ect of monsoon on hair The excess moisture in the air during monsoon traps dirt and grime on the scalp and hair shaft. This makes the hair follicles weak and is the reason why hair fall increases during the rainy season.

Protect hair from rainwater Rainwater is often acidic or dirty which can harm hair. If you cannot avoid the rain from wetting your hair, wash the hair immediately after reaching home.

Proper hair wash routine Wash your hair 2-3 times a week to remove the depositions from your hair and scalp. Use an antibacterial or antifungal shampoo. Assure Deep Cleanse Shampoo manages the excessive oil secretion on the scalp, leaving the hair fresh and bouncy.

STEP Dry your hair Excess moisture can make hair heavy and limp, so ensure to thoroughly dry your hair with a clean, soft towel after a wash. Ensure you don’t tie your hair when wet as this can damage the roots.

5 STEP Use the right comb The hair is weak and prone to breakage when wet. Use a wide-toothed comb when detangling wet hair to reduce hair fall. Make sure to comb gently.

5 STEP The shorter the better Shorter hair can withstand monsoon better since long hair gets pulled on and is likely to fall more. You can also trim the ends of your hair to ensure better growth.

5 STEP Hassle-free hairstyles Use of heat and styling products can weaken hair, so it’s better to avoid elaborate hairstyles during monsoon. Opt for a tight bun, high ponytail or a short braid.

5 STEP Follow a proper diet Use of heat and styling products can weaken hair, so it’s better to avoid elaborate hairstyles during monsoon. Opt for a tight bun, high ponytail or a short braid.

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