Voice Issue 42

Together the future is always within reach THE FUTURE IS HERE AND WE ARE FUTURE-READY The future is here and it's changing rapidly. With technological advancements in almost every aspect of our lives, we are witnessing a new era of progress that is bringing us closer to a world that was once only imagined in science fiction. From Artificial Intelligence (AI) to space exploration, the future is here and we are ready to embrace it. When we talk about our future, we look up to the new generation. Youth is our future and we can rely on them on every terms. They have their skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to adapt and succeed in the years ahead. By investing in developing their mindset growth, young people can become empowered to create positive change in their own lives and the world around them. One of the most significant changes that the future has brought is in the field of artificial intelligence. With the development of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, computers are now able to learn and adapt to new situations, making them capable of performing tasks that were once only possible for humans. From chatbots to self-driving cars, AI is transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. Another area where the future is making significant changes is healthcare. With advancements in biotechnology, we are now able to personalise medicine to an unprecedented level. Precision medicine is transforming the way we treat disease, and is offering new hope to patients who were once considered untreatable. No doubt that technological advancements are transforming the way we live, work and communicate, but we must also continue to be open-minded and forward-thinking if we want to keep up with the changes that lie ahead. United Efforts and Collaboration can make us Future Ready Together the future is always within reach, that is through collaboration and collective effort that we can make progress towards a better world. The power of unity and teamwork has been demonstrated from time and time again throughout