Voice Issue 38

DIAMOND DIRECTOR 105 NEW ACHIEVERS, DECEMBER 2021- MARCH 2022 May 2022, Voice Issue 38 Economic independence is very important in life and more so in these tough times. Vestige has helped me fulfil my dream of becoming financially independent and this has helped me be more secure of my place in life. I am now relaxed and can pursue my passions while helping other people along the way. This is truly an amazing platform. The road to success is fraught with thorns, but with the right set of tools, you are sure to get through. Vestige gives you all you need to be a successful individual. My upline has helped me right from the beginning and they have shown me what it means to be a member of the Vestige family. Thank you to the management for this great platform. RAJALAXMI PRADHAN TUMMA NAGARAJU My life has changed completely ever since I joined Vestige as an independent distributor. My financial struggles are a thing of the past - I can provide for myself and my loved ones. Vestige has helped me lead a comfortable life and become a respectable member of the society. I am very thankful for this platform. Vestige gives you the tools to succeed. The marketing plan has been crucial to my success as is the help I have been given within the system. This company has helped me on all levels and they have given me the room to succeed. Thank you to the management for their support and encouragement. TEJASRI GADDAM LITOOSHREE PRADHAN The way I learned about Vestige and became inspired to make a huge change in my life, this is all thanks to my talented upline. Their success story made me realise that failures were simply a part of life and that good things awaited me if I pushed past that. I thank my upline for always believing in me and helping me reach here. I sincerely thank my team for their support. I attribute my success to them as they have always given me their best and have been encouraging all the way through. My aim from now onwards is to continue rising up the ladder of success and helping my team do the same. FELIX ENTERPRISES HAVISHYANAND T Never would I have dreamt of attaining this level of success in my life, but here I am. My success is a combination of hard work, the unwavering support of my team and my luck at having found the perfect platform in Vestige. I am very thankful to God for guiding me towards this path. I am proud of where I am in life at this point and I look forward to what the future holds for me. I had several big dreams in life but I never knew how to make them come true. Vestige came into my life and showed me that everything was possible. Thank you for changing my life, Vestige! RAJIB LOCHAN PADHY SHARDA DEVI My advice to those looking to go far within Vestige is to duplicate the system in place religiously. The success plan is the blueprint one needs to follow as it has all the answers to your questions. I have received a lot of support from the company and I am thankful to the management for their encouragement. I started Vestige on a part-time basis to earn some extra income. My earnings exceeded my wildest imaginations and I am very happy that I took advantage of this opportunity. I did not believe I could be in this financially secure position at this point in time, but this is a reality for me. Wish You Wellth! SANJANA GOEL ANURADHA KHANNA I would like to thank my upline and my downlines for their unwavering and unconditional support. Without them, I wouldn't be in this respected position. They have always been cheering from the sidelines and I am very grateful that I am surrounded by such amazing people. Thank you for everything, Vestige! Starting in Vestige is slow, but as I climbed up and up the ladder, I realised all the amazing things that are possible with this platform! I believe that Vestige is one of the best direct selling companies in the world. I am sure that with hard work and determination, I will gain more success in the future. SANDHYA MAHAWAR VANGA SHARADA I believe that Vestige’s business plan is the best in the direct selling industry. All my achievements have come forth because I have duplicated this plan religiously. My advice to my fellow distributors is to follow the plan and you too will surely begin moving on your way to success. The first thing that impressed me about Vestige was that they offer bonuses like Car Fund, House Fund and Travel Fund. I realised that this company covers their distributors and makes sure to give them incentives to work towards. This motivates me to work hard and gain greater success. PREMASHILA BAG SARADA PRASANNA SWAIN