Food-Zine March 2023 Issue

Let’s Spray Vitamins this HOLI with Vestige Prime Absorvit Multivitamin Sublingual Spray W ith the change of time and era, our consumption of nutrition and vitamins has also changed. Earlier, tablets, capsules, and even gummies were the only source to consume vitamins and minerals. But now there are plenty of new methods to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins, like our newest range of Vestige Prime Absorvit Sublingual Sprays, which comes in 4 different variants. Try one of our best sellers, Vestige Prime Absorvit Sublingual Sprays variants to complete your daily requirement of vitamins. The range of sublingual sprays includes Vestige Prime Absorvit Vitamin D, Vestige Prime Absorvit Vitamin B12, Vestige Prime Absorvit Vitamin C, and Vestige Prime Absorvit Multivitamin. If haven’t tried them yet, then try today! 3