Food-Zine March 2023 Issue

2 Seasonal Fruit – Grapes rapes are botanically berries, of a deciduous woody vine from the flowering plant genus, Vitis. Grapes are one such non-climacteric type of fruits that generally occurs in a cluster. Perhaps the cultivation of grapes began around 8,000 years ago and has since been in use by humans for food. G There are many benefits of grapes as a fruit, let’s discuss below: - • Grapes are packed with nutrients and may help boost your heart health by lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol. • They are high in antioxidants, which may help in protection against high blood sugar levels, cancer, and heart diseases. • It may have anti-cancer effects and can help in protecting against certain types of cancer. • It can also protect from a few common eye problems and diseases. • It can even help you boost your brain health in terms of improving your memory, attention, and mood. • It contains many of the minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B/K/C that are necessary for your bone health. • It can also benefit your hair and skin as it may have several protective effects on your hair and skin.