CROWN DIRECTOR NEW ACHIEVERS, MARCH - MAY 2021 32 Voice Issue 35, July 2021 I would like to thank my downlines for their continuous support and for helping to achieve this level of success. None of this would have been possible without them. A special thanks to the Vestige management for coming up with a system that works. Thank you very much, Vestige! I have always wanted to be prosperous. The Vestige marketing plan rewards good, honest hard work which is what makes it an especially great option for anyone seeking success and respect in life. Thanks to Vestige, not only am I a successful entrepreneur, but I am also a prominent member of my society, respected by all. I am glad to be in such an esteemed position and it's all due to Vestige’s incredible marketing plan and support. I am sure others too can reach this level of success if they honestly work and duplicate the system. I was so inspired by my upline's success story and their dedication to the cause of Wellth, I joined Vestige as an independent distributor to start my own success journey. I would like to thank my upline for their immense support and encouragement. I have achieved this level of success and I can't wait to see what awaits me in the future. I always wanted to do something beneficial for the society and that is when Vestige came in my life and gave me a way to achieve my dream. Vestige believes in empowering people through the Wellth revolution. It has a great motto and a great education system to turn ordinary people into visionary entrepreneurs. It received a platform to help people around me while focusing on my own growth and success. In my years of experience in the direct selling industry, I have found that the product is truly the "king". Without believing in the product and without personally using and sharing it, it is hard for a business to grow and for a loyal fanbase to form. Vestige's line of products is impressive and that, combined with an excellent business plan, are what make Vestige the "king". I am very proud to be a part of this amazing family. I was a beautician while my husband worked in finance. Despite being a well-settled family, we felt as if something was missing in our life. In Vestige, we found recognition, a source of passive income, an impressive business and even travelled to foreign locations! We are very honoured to be a part of the Vestige family. Many thanks to our supportive team, upline and the Vestige management. It is such a heartening feeling to be in such an esteemed position and none of this would've been possible without Vestige. I had big dreams, one of which was to make a difference in people’s lives. WIth Vestige, I can lead other people down the path of success and help them change their lives too. Vestige encourages big dreamers to make their big dreams come true through their amazing products and their comprehensive marketing plan. I thank Vestige for this wonderful opportunity and for changing my life completely. MITANJALI BEHERA AJIT SURESH DEOKAR CH RATNA PUSHPA S GOWRI AMIT KUMAR (ANITA) RAVI RANGLANI VIRENDRA KUMAR PATEL SHANTI RANI SINGHA