
AYUSANTE PROCARD Good morning! • The heart is the most important part of the human body and one should take utmost care to prevent heart-related diseases 1 . • In India, one out of three heart attacks occur below 50 years of age 2 . Blockage in the arteries caused by fat and bad cholesterol results in heart related issues 3 . • In combination with a healthy diet, Ayusante Procard helps maintain cholesterol levels and may provide holistic cardiovascular health, naturally! IT CONTAINS AYURVEDIC INGREDIENTS LIKE: Arjuna, Ashwagandha, Garlic, Guggal and Ikshu. These ingredients are well-known cardio-tonic and cardio-protective ingredients that offer optimal cardiovascular health. • These ingredients of Ayusante Procard play a vital role in supporting cardiovascular health including LDL * and triglycerides 4 . • Helps to improve HDL ^ level in the blood 4 . • Helps to improve blood circulation and is useful in preventing cardiovascular diseases 4 . Dosage One to two capsules twice daily. So now make your heart healthy with Ayusante Procard 1 2 3 4;epage=101;issn=2321-8568;issue=1;spage=98;volume=9;year=2019 5 6 7 ^High density lipoprotein *Low density lipoprotein AYUSANTE TOXCLEAN Good morning! Today’s lifestyle and adulterated food are the prime reasons to accumulate toxins inside our bodies. Excess toxin accumulation prevents the production of haemoglobin in the blood, which can accelerate ageing 5 . Accumulation of toxins in our body is constantly damaging our health and natural detoxification process. Ayusante Toxclean helps to regulate digestion, relieve constipation, flush out body toxins, cleanse the colon and purify the blood. IT CONTAINS AYURVEDIC INGREDIENTS LIKE: Neem, Chirata, Swarnpatri, Kalimirch, Triphala, Haldi, Amla, etc. These ingredients are well-known for body cleansing and blood purification. • These ingredients help to cleanse the colon and purify the blood 6 . • They help to relieve constipation. • They have hepatoprotective properties that provide support to healthy liver functioning. • These ingredients help to regulate digestion and metabolism 6 . • These ingredients have anti-microbial properties and help to promote skin health (help to fight against acne, pimple, etc) 7 . Dosage One capsule twice daily. So now make your colon healthy with Ayusante Toxclean.